Hypnosis sessions can be done in person or remotely using the zoom application. It is helpful if you have a good internet connection, a device other than a phone which can run zoom and a set of head phones with a microphone which sits in front of the mouth.
Your Session may last for up to 3-4 hours and consists of the following:
In the first part of the session, I will read through your paperwork and discussing any physical or emotional healing you feel is needed. It is a good opportunity to set intentions for what you would like to achieve during the session. Your higher self will already have planned this and know where and what you will see and for what purpose, but it helps me as your guide to have this knowledge before we begin.
At the start of the session, Source and Arch Angel shields are placed around you and your home, to ensure you are safe and protected through out the session. I will connect with the Arch Angels and your Higher-Self to find what may need healing later in the session, and they will begin the process on your behalf. This process will take approximately 30 minutes, and I will scan each Chakra (using my own Chakra Symbols given to me by my Higher Self). This will enable me to 'see' (clairvoyantly) 'sense' (claircognisently) and 'hear' (clairaudiently) what may need healing. I take notes to use later, when you do your own Body Scan, to ensure nothing is missed.
I will then take you into the theta brainwave (hypnosis) which is a natural meditative state. Your higher self then takes you on a journey in the quantum this could be to past lives from the beginning of your creation, right through to your current life, or a future life time. In the quantum there is no time, and your higher self will take you to the most appropriate place. We can hold trauma from current or past life within the body, which may manifest as illnesses, pain or disease. This can be healed during the past life regression by releasing the energy from the body or healed during the angelic body scan.
When the journey is complete the higher self will be called forth to speak & we will ask questions on the lives we saw and start on the body scan. The body scan will be conducted by the higher self and an Archangel of your choosing. During the body scan we can ask to heal all that the higher self is ready to release. Anything non organic within the body will all be removed and entities will be aided back to the light. The root cause of illness can often be found and the healing process begun.
Once this is complete there is the opportunity to ask the higher self questions to assist with your soul growth and understanding of your current life, soul purpose and path.
Each session is different and the healing and guidance you receive will be unique and perfect for you. I would be honoured to guide you on your path.
After your Hypnosis session you will receive a copy of your session on audio or video to watch again at home in your own time, which will aid for continued healing. The healing can take up to 14 days to complete.
In preparation for your session, the guidance below can be very helpful. Once you book a session I will send you a client questionnaire, asking basic health questions. I will also ask for 10 questions you would like to ask the higher self. Please return paperwork and questions at least 24 hours before the session date.
1. This process can take about 3-4 hours, we can split this into two meetings if this helps. Ensure that you have a comfortable place to lay down, and that you are completely relaxed during your session for a deep connection to your higher self.
2. If your session is online, ensure you have a headset with a microphone, or example Apple headphones or a gaming headset. Having the proper technology with a mic will ensure that the volume will be adequate on the recording. The session will be video or audio recorded and sent to you the day after the session.
3. You will need to download the Zoom application prior to the day of your session and test your camera and mic settings. Please make sure your device is fully charged and connected to the mains before we begin.
4. Having some crystals present can aid you to ground and connect. A light crystal such as selenite or quarts and a dark grounding crystal such as Obsidian or tourmaline are perfect. When held in the hands these can aid the flow of energy through the body.
5. Set your intentions for the session and be clear about what you would like to achieve. Do you want to find the root cause of health issues? Do you want to explore your relationship with others or patterns in your life? Do you want more information on your soul family or galactic history? The possibilities are endless. Whatever you decide your higher-self will have already have planned the perfect session for you! And it usually matches what you wanted to achieve!
6. Prepare a list of 10 questions which you would like to seek answers from your higher self in the session. if you have more than this write them all down, and group them together by theme. You may then find they begin to reduce.
5. Practice meditation and perhaps try some guided meditations at home. Can you visualise within meditation? Practice visualising with your eyes closed, and creating images in your minds eye. Hypnosis is allowing your imagination to flow and images to come in and out of your awareness without judgment, in a relaxed state. Much like when you read a book and images form in your minds eye. This is how your higher self will communicate with you in hypnosis.
6. Drink water and avoid caffeine on the day of the session to aid you in relaxation. Eat a snack before the session so you are comfortable and do not get disturbed by hunger pangs.
7. Leave expectations at the door. Every session is as unique as you are. Your session will be guided by the higher self and will be exactly what you need at this point on your life path. I love to see how perfect for each individual each session is. This is what makes this all worth while. It is magical!
8. Dress very comfortably in, loose fitting clothing so you can feel as relaxed as possible. Have a blanket handy as this will keep you warm, but also reinforce the feeling of safety which can aid relaxation.
9. All healing is self healing. Your Higher Self initiates the self-healing process and this is aided by Source and the Arch Angels. All trauma and disease can be healed, but this tends to happen in layers over time. It would be too much to release everything in one go. We work to heal what you are ready to release on the day of the session. Often the healing begins in the mind, and then this process manifests in physical health.
10. BEGIN SHIELDING your energetic body and your home EACH MORNING AND NIGHT. This can be as simple as surrounding yourself with (visualising) a golden sphere of Source protection, and asking that only those who support your actual highest good may enter. Ask that your chosen representative (such as AA Micheal) take all others to their perfect place of peace, where they will be best served. We will use a shielding technique at the beginning of your session aided by the Arch Angels and Source so you will always be safe and protected in a session.
See you in your session!
My infinite love and blessings to you, Cora.