Quantum Akashic Energy Healing combines an Akashic reading with a Quantum (Reiki) Energy Healing
Before and during a Quantum Akashic Energy Healing session, I will connect with your higher self and the holders of the Akashic light, who hold the records of your soul since its inception. Through these connections I build a picture of you as a soul, your strengths and what needs healing, work, or deeper understanding.
When we meet we will discuss what has been found and release all that is ready to be released.
We take a brief break after which we will connect to your higher self and continue to scan your energy body and do an energy healing, channelling Source energy. All healing comes from Source, Jesus and the Arch Angels. We can ‘see’ and work through this together.
I have been getting some phenomenal results with this technique to date and would love to help you with the next stage of your healing journey, wherever you are on your path.
By combining these two methods we get the opportunity to deep dive into what you need to heal, learn, work on and align. It is a really powerful combination, and very helpful.
Quantum Akashic Energy Healing Session Part 1
During a Quantum Akashic Energy Healing session, I will connect with the holders of the Akashic light, and put together a soul history for the client, looking at core wounds, and life lessons. When we meet we discuss the findings and what healing may be needed for the client.
This is an example of the first half of a client session, where we discuss and explore what has been found during the Akashic reading.
Have you ever wanted to find out more about your souls unique history? Come travel with me through the Hall of Akashic Records, where all your past, present and future soul history is documented. All the lives, experiences and thoughts you have had since your souls inception can be accessed here.
The Akashic records are a collection of all your universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future. The records are encoded vibrationally into the fabric of space, and we can access them to learn about who you are. I can use my clairaudient and cairvoyant abilities to share this with you. It is amazing what information is available if we ask.
One way to understand your soul's energy is to break it down into 8 energetic qualities. Your souls energetic frequency, soul blueprint, or 'soul song' will contain all carry all 8 qualities in varying proportions. You will typically hold one energy most strongly, as a larger percentage, and have another as a secondary energy.
Knowing about these predominant energetics or Divine Gifts you were born with (in every incarnation) helps you understand why you are drawn to do the things you do. These abilities and gifts define what comes naturally and easily to you. Knowing yourself on an energetic level, can aid you to be more in your flow, and to manifest the life you desire here on earth.
Many people want to know what is my purpose? Knowing your energetic strengths can help you to see how to step more fully into your souls purpose!
Before we meet I will connect to your Akashic and ask a series of questions. This will help me to build up a picture of who you are on a soul level, and how you can be more in your flow.
(Lyra/Vega, Draco, Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus, Orion, Andromeda, Andromeda Galaxy, Antaris, Earth)
I will share this information with you, and you then have the opportunity to ask further questions, or ask your own personal questions, and we will travel the hall of Akashic together to find the answers you are looking for.
How well are you able to manifest in your life?
Are there any blocks?
What are the blocks you have brought forward into this lifetime, or created during your current lifetime for yourself?
Can these be released now?
Blocks can be vows, contracts or karmic cycles which can cause you to loop in a certain behaviour pattern which does not serve your highest good.
Identifying these blocks can aid you to release these negative cycles and be in your flow.
Many times these questions will be answered in the exploration that I do before your session, but any remaining areas you wish to explore can be looked at more deeply when we meet.Bring these questions with you to the session.
What is revealed will be unique to each individual, and will be perfect for you on the day, for your highest healing and understanding.
How do you access the Akashic records?
One way to understand a soul's energy is to break it down into 8 energetic qualities. Your souls energetic frequency, soul blueprint, or 'soul song' will contain all carry all 8 qualities in varying proportions. You will typically hold on most strongly, as a larger percentage, and have another as a secondary energy.